Our Chickens

We specialise in rare and traditional breeds of large fowl poultry. We also have hybrids birds available. We have chicks and chickens; from day old up to Point of Lay, as well as hatching eggs for sale.

Harlequin Cottage Wheaten Maran

Wheaten Maran

If you want a classic dark egg, then the Wheaten Maran will give you just that. The cockerels are absolutely stunning.

Harlequin Cottage Lavender Leghorn

Lavender Leghorn

Known for their yellow legs and white eggs, Lavender Leghorns are a lovely breed for most keepers.

Harlequin Cottage Cream Legbar

Cream Legbar

A well coiffured barnet sits atop this rare, British, auto-sexing crested breed. Well known for their blue/green eggs.

Harlequin Cottage Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red

A regal breed that is hardy, with good exhibition qualities. They are a reliable layer of lovely smooth, light brown eggs.

Harlequin Cottage Exchequer

Exchequer Leghorn

A spritely variety, very alert and prefer to remain aloof! These birds rarely go broody and lay white eggs, same as their cousins, the Lavender.


A hardy, traditional, pretty breed with longevity in their egg laying. Gold partridge in colour and dark, often speckled eggs.